Michael Kiran Huber

CS student, photographer, developer
Michael Huber

Hello, I'm Michael! Currently I'm pursuing a Master of Science in Logic & Computation at TU Wien, after completing my Bachelor in Computer Science with honors. In addition to my studies, I'm a professional photographer, engaging mainly in wedding and business photography but personally also enjoying travel and street photography. Personally, I am deeply interested in the interplay between technology, society, politics, and philosophy, continually exploring how these areas interact and influence each other. I grew up in Tyrol and now live in Vienna, Austria.

On this page, I want to share some of my work and interests. I am currently developing a more refined version with more visual content – this serves as a temporary placeholder. Feel free to explore and connect!


Photography has been a significant part of my life since I first picked up a small DSLR camera from my dad at the age of 13. I quickly fell in love with the art of capturing moments and emotions. Over the years, I've developed my skills and style, and have professionalized my work, now operating a registered business and using occasional photography jobs as a balance to my work at the desk.

I cover various facets within my work:


Academia and research in general have fascinated me from the first time I encountered them thanks to the Bachelor with Honors program, where my dedicated mentor Martin Nöllenburg allowed me to experience research first-hand in his group. My focus since then particularly lies in the areas of graph theory and graph drawing, which deals with the visual representation of networks.

My previous academic pursuits include the following projects and research:


Besides all the software development done in my studies, I try to find time for personal projects that allow me to explore new technologies and ideas.